(518) 436-8741 info@ungermanelectric.com

We Are Developing Quite a Habit for Habitat for Humanity

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It is becoming quite the habit.  We have been supporting Habitat for Humanity for several years for projects in Albany and Troy.  We recently started another project at Sheridan Hollow in Albany, Habitat’s most ambitious project to date.  Sheridan Hollow, one of the City’s most neglected neighborhoods, is being re-developed into a mixed-income, mixed-use sustainable community.

Electrical and Lighting

Residential New Construction

Our support includes donations, sweat equity, as well as being their contracted electrical and lighting contractor partner.   The significance of our support is felt in many ways:

  • It is core to our philosophy of giving back to the community
  • Habitat and its partners focus on cost efficiencies and effectiveness.  These best practices help us adapt our skills and processes to provide more cost effective solutions for our “paying” customers
  • Habitat builds its’ homes to green standards, ensuring a smaller environmental footprint and sustainability for the future. The Energy Star and LEED practices we have developed also benefit our residential and commercial customers by providing energy savings both for the client and the planet.
  • Habitat partner manufacturers donate state of the art technology which we deploy.   These technologies such, as whole house surge protectors, bring capabilities that can add significant value to our clients.

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We are proud of our support of Habitat.  Good housing is the foundation for a better future, and impacts education, health, environment, and the stabilization of our communities.    We encourage you to check out the Capital District’s Habitat mission and activities.  http://www.habitatcd.org/,   There are many ways you can help through volunteering and/or giving.  Perhaps we will see you on one of their construction sites.

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