You’ll Get a Charge Out of This!
Ungerman Electric partnered with DK Power, ChargePoint, National Grid, New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) to launch the electric vehicle charging station project. Ungerman Electric continues to evolve its capabilities in emerging and innovative approaches to energy efficiency and sustainability. We have partnered with industry leaders and the State of New York in the most aggressive electric car charging station project in the state. We are in the process of installing car charging stations at hotels, restaurants, Educational institutions, and department stores throughout the area making the Capital Region the most electric vehicle (EV) friendly part of the state. The photo on the left below marked the first charging station going live at a ribbon cutting at Homewood Suites on Wolf Road in Colonie. We expect to add 2 new stations throughout the region every week.
We are proud of being part of this initiative as electric vehicle’s impact on the environment is dramatically smaller than a conventional gas powered one. The network of charging stations we are helping install will make it more feasible for EV owners to get around and go “that extra mile”.
Ungerman Electric provides a variety of energy efficiency services including alternative energy and lighting retrofits for both residential and commercial sectors.